Nothing like a pair of liberals sounding like oddball race theorists. Why does it matter if two humans with different skin tone have kids? Where do people come off acting like this is weird? More disturbingly, do many people still have this negative view of marriage outside of their ethnic group?
They talk of some fear of minorities disappearing. Who cares? Races don't have feelings, people do. If Whites, Blacks, and Hispanics suddenly became one race, nothing bad would happen at all. This must be a generational thing. The sooner everyone who cares about race stops caring, the better. There is no reason too. Weirdos.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
Bad Sci-Fi
It says something sad that Hollywood tried to bring back The Day the Earth Stood Still. All the reviews are in, and of course everyone hates it.
The original was boring preachy crap that first introduced the perfect Jesus type of alien. This is idiotic for something trying to be science fiction. Lets be honest, if aliens with warp drive saw humans, they would think of us as, at best, dolphins or chimps. These two critters are fairly intelligent to us, but their societies are messed up. They kill each others babies, just to begin. Do we try to reform their behavior? Of course not, they are just animals, right? Why would aliens care? Perhaps aliens would look at pollution as a fascinating element of these odd creatures. They might be happy to see us strip-mining and chopping down trees. After all, when we see Orangutangs using spears to skewer fish, or chimps figuring out puzzles, scientists seem to get excited.
Plus, aliens are probably too smart to care about Global Warming (yes, thats what the aliens are invading in the remake, yes, its that stupid).
The original was boring preachy crap that first introduced the perfect Jesus type of alien. This is idiotic for something trying to be science fiction. Lets be honest, if aliens with warp drive saw humans, they would think of us as, at best, dolphins or chimps. These two critters are fairly intelligent to us, but their societies are messed up. They kill each others babies, just to begin. Do we try to reform their behavior? Of course not, they are just animals, right? Why would aliens care? Perhaps aliens would look at pollution as a fascinating element of these odd creatures. They might be happy to see us strip-mining and chopping down trees. After all, when we see Orangutangs using spears to skewer fish, or chimps figuring out puzzles, scientists seem to get excited.
Plus, aliens are probably too smart to care about Global Warming (yes, thats what the aliens are invading in the remake, yes, its that stupid).
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Full Metal Panic
The show is odd, to say the least. It combines mech action with high school romance, as is common in anime, but is not horribly sappy. A misfit young mercenary and a violent tomboy being the male and female leads respectively makes for a insane story. But the technology of the world and the alternate nature of the world shine through.
Its our world, except the military tech is much more advanced. Cloaking devices, giant mechs, and submersible aircraft carriers exist, as well as Lambda Drivers, which allow magic-like emotion driven feats of destruction, and accuracy. One is also used to make a oversized terrorist mech weigh light enough to hold together. This technology appears to come from the minds of certain young women, who innately know how this supertech works. The story hasn't revealed if this is artificial or natural yet, though.
Good enough for Netflix.
Its our world, except the military tech is much more advanced. Cloaking devices, giant mechs, and submersible aircraft carriers exist, as well as Lambda Drivers, which allow magic-like emotion driven feats of destruction, and accuracy. One is also used to make a oversized terrorist mech weigh light enough to hold together. This technology appears to come from the minds of certain young women, who innately know how this supertech works. The story hasn't revealed if this is artificial or natural yet, though.
Good enough for Netflix.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
The world of Futurism: Shadow Guard
I have long worked on making a world based around the struggle for the future of humanity. The basic idea is that in a strange future where odd abilities have manifested. Futurism is the study of the future, its never accurate, so it seemed like a good name for a comic or story series. I can come up with an alternate future, one that will never happen. In this, terrorism and genocide are the tools of those who either wish to stop biological mutations and stay on a technological path, and those who wish to create a new order with these mutations.
There is another faction, however, one that has no time for the evils of foolish perfectionism. The Shadow Guard exists to keep the idea of personal freedom alive, no matter what the future of humanity holds. They are called the Shadow Guard because they never seek glory or power. Be that as it may, they understand the need for propaganda. Any atrocity committed by either of their enemies, and the punishment given by them, is broadcast over the net. They are honest about what they do, and do not hide the blood involved.
The fully militarized armored NBC suits and covered faces give them a menacing appearance, and makes it hard to tell if they have any nasty extra talents. Talents are what others might refer to as "superpowers" or "weirdness". Nothing like a SWAT guy with telekinesis to give you a very bad day. The array of weapons they have access too range from the simple combat knife to Personal Infantry Cannons.
The Shadow Guards money comes from several governments and corporations who need help with more exotic enemies. The Guard are sometimes villified by activists, but the service they provide is too valuable to pass up. A new problem is that their enemies have begun getting support from countries who are less interested in keeping the peace.
There is another faction, however, one that has no time for the evils of foolish perfectionism. The Shadow Guard exists to keep the idea of personal freedom alive, no matter what the future of humanity holds. They are called the Shadow Guard because they never seek glory or power. Be that as it may, they understand the need for propaganda. Any atrocity committed by either of their enemies, and the punishment given by them, is broadcast over the net. They are honest about what they do, and do not hide the blood involved.
The fully militarized armored NBC suits and covered faces give them a menacing appearance, and makes it hard to tell if they have any nasty extra talents. Talents are what others might refer to as "superpowers" or "weirdness". Nothing like a SWAT guy with telekinesis to give you a very bad day. The array of weapons they have access too range from the simple combat knife to Personal Infantry Cannons.
The Shadow Guards money comes from several governments and corporations who need help with more exotic enemies. The Guard are sometimes villified by activists, but the service they provide is too valuable to pass up. A new problem is that their enemies have begun getting support from countries who are less interested in keeping the peace.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Aryas the priest
And now for something completely different:
The priest looked behind his guards at the small girl hiding behind them. He looked back at the irate peasant mob.
"How can a priest defend a witchborn!?" the leader grunted.
"You don't want to know the answer to that." he responded.
The guards started grinning like jackals. They weren't the most godly of men, so they would have loved to see a fight. The fact that a few of them looked with pity at the peasant mob should have warned the man not to act.
"Then priest or no priest, I'll kill ye!" he shouted, and lunged forward with a dagger.
The priest responded by cutting the dagger in two with a longsword that appeared to leap from beneath his robes to his right hand, and shoving the thug to the ground with his left.
"Do not try that again. It is not murder to kill to protect a child, and I will do it."
"But shes born of a witch and a devil!" a women howled
"Doubtful, it is far more likely one of your husbands strayed. You know the laws, orphans are to be cared for, not killed, no matter their parents."
"You are a fool of a priest, she will bring ruin us all."
"Believe what you wish, but you will not touch her."
The guardsmen swung their halberds out, facing the crowd with a row of sharp axe blades. Aryas raised his blade. The mob evaporated, and soon only the dozen guards, Aryas, and the girl were left.
"What is your name, child?" he asked.
"Mia." she squeeked
"Well Mia, I think you need to come with us, you shouldn't be alone."
Aryas picked her up, and walked back to the cart.
"Captain, move out."
"Aye, Templar."
The guardsmen piled into the back, and he took the reins with the girl beside him. He whipped the reins, and the oxcart moved out.
Aryas sighed. This was getting insane, the peasants were practically reverting back to druidism, even though they gave lip service to God. Witchborn, demons fathering children, where did they get this kind of crap?
As he was deep in though, the guards took advantage, and grumbled about filthy peasants in very colorful terms. Mia was already asleep, so he let them.
The priest looked behind his guards at the small girl hiding behind them. He looked back at the irate peasant mob.
"How can a priest defend a witchborn!?" the leader grunted.
"You don't want to know the answer to that." he responded.
The guards started grinning like jackals. They weren't the most godly of men, so they would have loved to see a fight. The fact that a few of them looked with pity at the peasant mob should have warned the man not to act.
"Then priest or no priest, I'll kill ye!" he shouted, and lunged forward with a dagger.
The priest responded by cutting the dagger in two with a longsword that appeared to leap from beneath his robes to his right hand, and shoving the thug to the ground with his left.
"Do not try that again. It is not murder to kill to protect a child, and I will do it."
"But shes born of a witch and a devil!" a women howled
"Doubtful, it is far more likely one of your husbands strayed. You know the laws, orphans are to be cared for, not killed, no matter their parents."
"You are a fool of a priest, she will bring ruin us all."
"Believe what you wish, but you will not touch her."
The guardsmen swung their halberds out, facing the crowd with a row of sharp axe blades. Aryas raised his blade. The mob evaporated, and soon only the dozen guards, Aryas, and the girl were left.
"What is your name, child?" he asked.
"Mia." she squeeked
"Well Mia, I think you need to come with us, you shouldn't be alone."
Aryas picked her up, and walked back to the cart.
"Captain, move out."
"Aye, Templar."
The guardsmen piled into the back, and he took the reins with the girl beside him. He whipped the reins, and the oxcart moved out.
Aryas sighed. This was getting insane, the peasants were practically reverting back to druidism, even though they gave lip service to God. Witchborn, demons fathering children, where did they get this kind of crap?
As he was deep in though, the guards took advantage, and grumbled about filthy peasants in very colorful terms. Mia was already asleep, so he let them.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Harsh Truth
Governments come and go. If you lose an election, get prepared for the next one. We have some weirdos on the left promising riots if Obama loses, and a few oddballs on the right who believe he will destroy democracy. Lets be honest, he has some bad ideas, and like all politicians, he craves power, but he has a maximum of eight years to do things. And if he tries to go over that, members of his own party will shut him down.
Oh, and to the weirdos on both sides, the sane outnumber you, so watch yourself.
Oh, and to the weirdos on both sides, the sane outnumber you, so watch yourself.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
What society really needs
With all the politics lately, you might think I believe Republicans are great. Not so much. Its just that Democrats are worse. However, both parties are fairly stupid. Example: Drug policy. Neither is willing to admit that prohibition doesn't work. Sure, drugs are bad, but putting drug users and dealers in jail with robbers, rapists, and murderers is just as bad. The illegal drug trade has given criminals money for more modern weapons. In fact, gambling and prostitution have similar problems. Making them illegal means real criminals gain access to revenue streams that robbery and protection rackets can't. Its not that I believe these are godly or good activities, its that legalizing them would cut the money gangs get.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Why is any criticism of Obama being called racist? Is this a preview to his administration, and what does that mean for Americas future? Will those who criticise a Obama presidency be called racists? What penalties will they face? These are questions that have disturbing answers. Obama himself has said Republicans would use the fact that he's black against him. His supporters have piled on with idiotic articles saying calling him everything from skinny to socialist is racist.
McCain has questioned Obamas associations with white former terrorists, Arab slumlords, and both white and black corrupt businessmen. He is questioning the ideas of the people around Obama, not the skin color. Implying that McCain is racist for doing so shows that many people are idiots. So why? Because they can. The medias not going to complain.
McCain has questioned Obamas associations with white former terrorists, Arab slumlords, and both white and black corrupt businessmen. He is questioning the ideas of the people around Obama, not the skin color. Implying that McCain is racist for doing so shows that many people are idiots. So why? Because they can. The medias not going to complain.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Cindy vs. Barack
So Cindy is rich, right? She paid 1.4 million in taxes last year. Barack gives a one million barrel of pork to a hospital, that hires his wife at over 200,000 a year. So, Cindy has wasted her tax dollars. So much for sharing the wealth, huh? That really helped the poor, now didn't it? We'd have been better off she just dumped it out of an airplane. Thats why pork and government waste in general pisses me off.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Comic note
I bought a subscription to Marvel Digital Comics. I've had fun going through old spider-man, fantastic four, and other early comics, and some of the more recent ones. It seems like in the old ones, it was all fun and games, even with heavily armed old-school gangsters that are way more competent than modern criminals. It was definitely kid stuff, although it makes for a fun read. The stuff from the nineties is kinda junkier. Some of the fights are amusing, and sometimes the characters are good, but its halfway between serious and silly. The more serious 2000s are good, but not as much fun. Which devolves into crap the longer Bush is in office, culminating in the cringe inducing Civil War event. However, post Civil War is fun, weird dimension travelling, zombies, skrulls, etc.
Another thing I noticed were that the more powerful a character, the sillier his enemies. Moon Knight (rip-off of Batman) fights psychos and weird conspiracies, and deals with being crazy. The Avengers fight um, well, a guy that can spin really fast in bladed armor. Which is so not menacing to guys like Iron Man (Tony Stark beats him with the junk in his pockets) . So they fight minions like that, and sometimes nearly die to a weird gigantic enemy, or hordes of aliens.
Another thing I noticed were that the more powerful a character, the sillier his enemies. Moon Knight (rip-off of Batman) fights psychos and weird conspiracies, and deals with being crazy. The Avengers fight um, well, a guy that can spin really fast in bladed armor. Which is so not menacing to guys like Iron Man (Tony Stark beats him with the junk in his pockets) . So they fight minions like that, and sometimes nearly die to a weird gigantic enemy, or hordes of aliens.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Secret Saturdays, or "wait, this is on cartoon network?"
Yeah, so cartoon network has a new hour long show, The Secret Saturdays, about a family of scientists discovering and occasionally fighting, magical or odd monsters. Some of which make good pets for the boy, apparently.
To explain my bemusement that this is on cartoon network, you have to know how families are usually portrayed in modern American cartoons. Lame parents, dumb kids. However, this change to more positive families makes sense, if you look at what kids want. Kids want to spend time with mom and dad. Heck, some kids would be happy just to have a mom and dad. So the cartoon gives them a fantasy of a kid who has parents who are not losers, first of all.
Add this on to a adventurous story glittering with cool monsters, magical artifacts, power gloves, and armed mercenaries seems to be a good idea. But why this sudden change of heart? Well, ratings, and the popularity of silly show like UFO Hunters explain the action and critters, but not the characters. However, if you look at Blue Beetle, you also see a kid with decent parents and action packed adventure. Hopefully this is more that just coincidence, and cartoon and comic makers are realizing that decent parents exist.
To explain my bemusement that this is on cartoon network, you have to know how families are usually portrayed in modern American cartoons. Lame parents, dumb kids. However, this change to more positive families makes sense, if you look at what kids want. Kids want to spend time with mom and dad. Heck, some kids would be happy just to have a mom and dad. So the cartoon gives them a fantasy of a kid who has parents who are not losers, first of all.
Add this on to a adventurous story glittering with cool monsters, magical artifacts, power gloves, and armed mercenaries seems to be a good idea. But why this sudden change of heart? Well, ratings, and the popularity of silly show like UFO Hunters explain the action and critters, but not the characters. However, if you look at Blue Beetle, you also see a kid with decent parents and action packed adventure. Hopefully this is more that just coincidence, and cartoon and comic makers are realizing that decent parents exist.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Comics and Fun
I got Iron Man: Extremis, and the third Ble Beetle trade. Extremis was dark and serious, with Iron Man deciding to take himself to the next level to fight a domestic terrorist who has been reborn as a biological weapon. Deciding that he needed to evolve his heroism, Iron Man uses the same stuff, Extremis, to fuse the inner part of his suit with his body. He can control the armor with his thoughts, and is now a true superhero, not just a guy in a suit. He wants to bring about the futre, and to do that, he has to be stronger. In effect, he wants to fight the past with the future. Marvel makes him the villian in the Civil War arc, which I believe was a collosal mistake. Right when this new series got good, they throw him into the role of a government inforcer. But Extremis hasn't gotten into that, and so is a great book.
Blue Beetle was serious, but not too serious, and wasn't dark at all. The Reach, evil aliens who made the Scarab, are shocked to learn he is free of their influence, but they play it cool. They can phase-hift tech out of the vision of most humans, only Blue Beetle can see them. They also start recruiting evil DC villians like Ultrahumanite (Dc villians that are not part of the Batman franchise are kinda silly, but this series can handle that). He also gets a mage for a girlfriend, who is usually out hunting vampires or helping an odd pair of detectives who took her in. In fact, much of this trade introduces the more traditional parts of DC. Jamie meets a crazy Green Lantern who helps him fight Ultrahumanite, and advises him to be more like the unpowered Blue Beetle and use strategy and longterm planning, for example. Superman shows up as well. Jamie even helps the Teen Titans (who have decided to forgo the teen designation) fight Lobo (villian for higher, basically a Superbiker with a flying motorcycle).
All in all, my exploration of traditional comics has made me realize that for all the silly things DC and Marvel make, even they can make good, fun stories.
Blue Beetle was serious, but not too serious, and wasn't dark at all. The Reach, evil aliens who made the Scarab, are shocked to learn he is free of their influence, but they play it cool. They can phase-hift tech out of the vision of most humans, only Blue Beetle can see them. They also start recruiting evil DC villians like Ultrahumanite (Dc villians that are not part of the Batman franchise are kinda silly, but this series can handle that). He also gets a mage for a girlfriend, who is usually out hunting vampires or helping an odd pair of detectives who took her in. In fact, much of this trade introduces the more traditional parts of DC. Jamie meets a crazy Green Lantern who helps him fight Ultrahumanite, and advises him to be more like the unpowered Blue Beetle and use strategy and longterm planning, for example. Superman shows up as well. Jamie even helps the Teen Titans (who have decided to forgo the teen designation) fight Lobo (villian for higher, basically a Superbiker with a flying motorcycle).
All in all, my exploration of traditional comics has made me realize that for all the silly things DC and Marvel make, even they can make good, fun stories.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Dean Kamen, or Punishing prosperity
I check military sites, and he has impressed people with his prosthetic arm. Its people like this that make me doubt that people are ever going to be fully equal. Why shouldn't he be rewarded for all he has done? Why the heck should he pay higher taxes? I get the complaints about sports stars and executives that make bad decisions, but make loads of money, but they are the minority of the rich. True, not all the rich are Dean Kamen, but lets be honest, most of them are smarter than our government. I believe that everybody who actually pay taxes needs to be taxed at the same rate. Get rid of deductions and child tax credits (all those do is cancel out the poor peoples taxes) and just don't tax the truly poor. Everyone else should pay at the same rate.
This does mean the government gets less money, but the government has shown it is willing to waste billions, and thus does not deserve the money we give it anyway. We would just stop punishing people for earning more money, and instead punish them for actual negative behavior. Lets see, big fines for white-collar crime, wrecking property(yeah, that includes pollution), and losing peoples personal information. Not as a way too get revenue, as a way to deter these behaviors . It wouldn't be included in budget information, it would used to clean up the messes caused by cutting corners.
I check military sites, and he has impressed people with his prosthetic arm. Its people like this that make me doubt that people are ever going to be fully equal. Why shouldn't he be rewarded for all he has done? Why the heck should he pay higher taxes? I get the complaints about sports stars and executives that make bad decisions, but make loads of money, but they are the minority of the rich. True, not all the rich are Dean Kamen, but lets be honest, most of them are smarter than our government. I believe that everybody who actually pay taxes needs to be taxed at the same rate. Get rid of deductions and child tax credits (all those do is cancel out the poor peoples taxes) and just don't tax the truly poor. Everyone else should pay at the same rate.
This does mean the government gets less money, but the government has shown it is willing to waste billions, and thus does not deserve the money we give it anyway. We would just stop punishing people for earning more money, and instead punish them for actual negative behavior. Lets see, big fines for white-collar crime, wrecking property(yeah, that includes pollution), and losing peoples personal information. Not as a way too get revenue, as a way to deter these behaviors . It wouldn't be included in budget information, it would used to clean up the messes caused by cutting corners.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Bad Propaganda

This is a liberals photo of McCain, using some lighting tricks. Hmmm.... anyone else think he looks, I dunno, cool? I know it makes him look bad on the campaign trail, but noir really looks good on him. Like the grumpy old detective, looming over a suspect, or a grim king, prepared for war. The fact that liberals think it makes him look evil shows how far gone they are.
Young people are kind of into darkness, older people like old detective movies, who is this trying to scare? Liberals who would never vote for him anyway. They have to make political enemies evil, because they are too childish to discuss issues. Too bad they can't do propaganda very well. Oh, well, they don't have too, they have the media! Problem 2: no one likes the media. Ooops. Epic Fail.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Avatar: The Last Airbender
The best animated series I have ever seen. Upon my completion of the series, I can say that with conviction.
The art style was perfect, and I wish that it would be the norm. The storytelling and world building were great as well. It managed to be both simplistic and deep, never taking itself too serious, but never being too silly. 4 seasons, with a solid ending.
The art style was perfect, and I wish that it would be the norm. The storytelling and world building were great as well. It managed to be both simplistic and deep, never taking itself too serious, but never being too silly. 4 seasons, with a solid ending.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
The world has gone mad, where's my coffea?
Germans obviously never got over their whuppin in WWII.
Mexico is worse than Palestinians, which suprises me.
Ukraine is weird, Don't Know? Maybe they haven't thought about it.
Of course, Nigeria and Kenya have experienced terrorism, maybe not from Al Qaeda, but they are smarter about it.
Germans obviously never got over their whuppin in WWII.
Mexico is worse than Palestinians, which suprises me.
Ukraine is weird, Don't Know? Maybe they haven't thought about it.
Of course, Nigeria and Kenya have experienced terrorism, maybe not from Al Qaeda, but they are smarter about it.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Perfectionism, and why it must be exterminated.
I believe the worst ideology in modern history is perfectionism. Nazism, communism, and militant theocracies all are based in it. Capitalism, its enemy, is based on personal desire, but does not preclude helping others or feeding the poor. Capitalism is not perfect, and never claims to be. All the perfectionists want is a perfect world, and they don't care how many die in making that world.
Eugenics, a weapon of the Nazi wing of perfectionism, has made a comeback in recent years, with 90% of babies with Down Syndrome being killed, and more advanced screening allowing men and women to find and exterminate imperfect humans. What is the response to pointing this out? Abject horror that you would question "women's rights", not horror that we are choosing to act as Nazis.
Communism takes a less genetic path towards perfection, full economic equality. Not equality under the law, mind you, but something more sinister. Harrison Bergeron, a fascinating short story by Kurt Vonnegut, tells why this is a bad idea by switching economic equality with physical equality. Its best read, but the jist is this, a smart, strong young boy is shot because he is strong and smart, and thus not equal to others.
A big error in reasoning comes here. People assume that Nazis and Commies are different because they go about implementing perfection in a opposite manner. Nazis wanted the best to rule over the rest, Communists cared about the rest. However, look at the truth of how Russia was run. The party bosses had more than the workers. So, the Nazis were just more honest.
Militant theocracies are the oldest form of perfectionism, worship our god and nobody gets hurt. They often try to make people perfect on earth. They all fail. However, their ideas were passed on to secular people, who still like the idea of a perfect world. The Nazis and Communists fail as well, but leach their ideas into even American culture. Radical environmentalists change the definition of perfect to be living like animals, Radical islamists continue trying militant theocracy, and some idiot philosopher believe that imperfect children should die.
How to exterminate it? Well, shooting works, and when perfectionists start wars, they should be crushed with brutal force. But the wrongheaded philosopher and radical ecofreak need to be confronted with ideas and facts. Even if they are too far gone to be reached, you cannot let them go unchallenged.
Eugenics, a weapon of the Nazi wing of perfectionism, has made a comeback in recent years, with 90% of babies with Down Syndrome being killed, and more advanced screening allowing men and women to find and exterminate imperfect humans. What is the response to pointing this out? Abject horror that you would question "women's rights", not horror that we are choosing to act as Nazis.
Communism takes a less genetic path towards perfection, full economic equality. Not equality under the law, mind you, but something more sinister. Harrison Bergeron, a fascinating short story by Kurt Vonnegut, tells why this is a bad idea by switching economic equality with physical equality. Its best read, but the jist is this, a smart, strong young boy is shot because he is strong and smart, and thus not equal to others.
A big error in reasoning comes here. People assume that Nazis and Commies are different because they go about implementing perfection in a opposite manner. Nazis wanted the best to rule over the rest, Communists cared about the rest. However, look at the truth of how Russia was run. The party bosses had more than the workers. So, the Nazis were just more honest.
Militant theocracies are the oldest form of perfectionism, worship our god and nobody gets hurt. They often try to make people perfect on earth. They all fail. However, their ideas were passed on to secular people, who still like the idea of a perfect world. The Nazis and Communists fail as well, but leach their ideas into even American culture. Radical environmentalists change the definition of perfect to be living like animals, Radical islamists continue trying militant theocracy, and some idiot philosopher believe that imperfect children should die.
How to exterminate it? Well, shooting works, and when perfectionists start wars, they should be crushed with brutal force. But the wrongheaded philosopher and radical ecofreak need to be confronted with ideas and facts. Even if they are too far gone to be reached, you cannot let them go unchallenged.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Soul Eater, or, why fantasy doesn't bug me.
Soul Eater is an odd anime about three very powerful kid spirits and their weapons, who are also people. Now, many people assume that a Christian can't enjoy such oddness. Now, if my main problems were not knowing the difference between reality and fantasy, I wouldn't watch these kinds of shows. I can't stand reality TV with spirits and demons, as its fake, but the truth is it won't hurt most people.
The truth is, whats on standard TV these days is worse than ever. The Japanese have a very similar problem, of course, but at least they add weirdness to it. I mean, watching trashy dating shows and contests between people who revel in their malicousness is something I could never do, because petty malicousness is a major problem for me. Japanese Grim Reapers blasting through insanity is way more my style.
The truth is, whats on standard TV these days is worse than ever. The Japanese have a very similar problem, of course, but at least they add weirdness to it. I mean, watching trashy dating shows and contests between people who revel in their malicousness is something I could never do, because petty malicousness is a major problem for me. Japanese Grim Reapers blasting through insanity is way more my style.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Apoligize to Iraq?
Saw a silly protest sign with apologize to Iraq, bring our troops home scrawled on it. So, what is a proper apology?
The Iraqis want 140 M-1 Abrams tanks, army bases made by the Corps of Engineers, and are paying us top dollar for those services. They need us to stick around with our fighter jets and drones until they can get their own. The one thing they don't need is us leaving completely and quickly. The surge troops are home or coming home, more draw downs are expected, and the Iraqis are modernizing their army.
The best apology for the mess is not getting out of Iraq, but helping Iraq take control of itself, like its currently doing. With billions in oil revenue, more production than before the war, and improved infrastructure, I kinda think we already apologized. But a free-trade deal might be nice, a permanent military alliance couldn't hurt, and a promise to smash Iran if it attacks them would seal the deal. Oh, except I doubt that's what the dippy protester had in mind.
The Iraqis want 140 M-1 Abrams tanks, army bases made by the Corps of Engineers, and are paying us top dollar for those services. They need us to stick around with our fighter jets and drones until they can get their own. The one thing they don't need is us leaving completely and quickly. The surge troops are home or coming home, more draw downs are expected, and the Iraqis are modernizing their army.
The best apology for the mess is not getting out of Iraq, but helping Iraq take control of itself, like its currently doing. With billions in oil revenue, more production than before the war, and improved infrastructure, I kinda think we already apologized. But a free-trade deal might be nice, a permanent military alliance couldn't hurt, and a promise to smash Iran if it attacks them would seal the deal. Oh, except I doubt that's what the dippy protester had in mind.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Superheroes and Darkness
DC is officially dumb. The Dark Knight does well, and now they think other heroes need to be "dark". Guess what, thats not why it rocked. TDK qas awesome because it never let up, and had a terrifying villian. The darker tone was because of the fact that its Batman and Joker, two very dark characters. Batman never was evil, or even close to being an anti-hero. Trying to plaster his grim mood on Superman is idiotic.
Batman is the only banner character DC has that seems to work. Its because they are scared of being dorky. Marvel revels in dorkiness, releasing movies willy-nilly. Sure, you get Rise of The Silver Surfer, but you also get Iron Man. Superman needs to have a decent villian and I think he
d be OK. Its just that if he's fighting crime its boring, you feel nothing. If he's fighting an equal foe, people would get into it. Darkness belongs in the villian, not the hero. Watching TDK, Batman never gave into any dark urges. Where the heck did they get that idea?
The next two movie are going to be Supermax (which works for the dark idea, and is not a origin story, but a special comic put into film), and The Flash (Dark? No. Emo? No. If either of these are added to this CSI turned super, it will flop.). One of them does work for darker tone, but The Flash isn't a very dark character. DC needs to just tell good stories, not get the idea that because TDK was dark, everything should be.
Batman is the only banner character DC has that seems to work. Its because they are scared of being dorky. Marvel revels in dorkiness, releasing movies willy-nilly. Sure, you get Rise of The Silver Surfer, but you also get Iron Man. Superman needs to have a decent villian and I think he
d be OK. Its just that if he's fighting crime its boring, you feel nothing. If he's fighting an equal foe, people would get into it. Darkness belongs in the villian, not the hero. Watching TDK, Batman never gave into any dark urges. Where the heck did they get that idea?
The next two movie are going to be Supermax (which works for the dark idea, and is not a origin story, but a special comic put into film), and The Flash (Dark? No. Emo? No. If either of these are added to this CSI turned super, it will flop.). One of them does work for darker tone, but The Flash isn't a very dark character. DC needs to just tell good stories, not get the idea that because TDK was dark, everything should be.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Russias Joke Army
Comparing the Ukrainian and Russian armies, who use similar equipment, it amazes me that the Ukrainians modernize and upgrade old Soviet tanks, but the Russian don't. Part of that is the designers were based in the Ukraine, and stayed after it left Russia. But much of it is laziness. The Ukrainians use nearly all Russian weapons, but I'm betting that they take better care of them. The Russians often claim to be working on new better equipment, but it doesn't show up. The fact that they failed to get air superiority over Georgia, allowing their commander to be killed by air strikes, show Russian incompetence. The weapons that shot down their most modern fighters and bombers were old Russian SAMs, which they should have expected. They won only through sheer size and brutality.
However, that doesn't mean they aren't dangerous. Though they use older technology, barbarians can win through the laziness of more civilized people. Lets be honest, if no one will use fancier weapons against them, the Russians can use their old crap forever. America is finishing up in Iraq and Afghanistan, which mean we won't help anyone against the Russians. However, the Ukraine has more modern weapons, and while the Russians can play nice to try to be friends, they cannot invade without massive casualties. They probably will be happy to bully smaller countries, so any talk about a resurgant Russia is silly.
However, that doesn't mean they aren't dangerous. Though they use older technology, barbarians can win through the laziness of more civilized people. Lets be honest, if no one will use fancier weapons against them, the Russians can use their old crap forever. America is finishing up in Iraq and Afghanistan, which mean we won't help anyone against the Russians. However, the Ukraine has more modern weapons, and while the Russians can play nice to try to be friends, they cannot invade without massive casualties. They probably will be happy to bully smaller countries, so any talk about a resurgant Russia is silly.
Friday, August 15, 2008
On Masks and the new Thugs
The only reason to wear a mask is to hide your identity. However, police and soldiers often go out without a mask. Being a vigilante is usually useless. Defending yourself and spreading the right to self defense are more valuable. In truth, had Thomas Wayne possessed a firearm, Batman would never be created. So then, why do I like movies like Iron Man and The Dark Knight? Because they say that one person can make a difference. Not a superman, just a man with resources and will.
But one policeman could make the difference, one soldier could change history. If people fight, and support those who fight, they might not win, but at least they tried. It is better to give your death for freedom than to waste it on old age. But these days, society acts as if soldiers are dupes and fools, not warriors. They mock the term warrior, as if its some ancient, backwards tradition, but then praise made up heroes who are warriors.
It may be that keeping a mask is necessary, in a world of crippling lawsuits and fickle mobs. One day, even our police might wear masks to prevent certain activists from targetting their families. Already, scientists have found their children threatened by animal-rights activists, and if this spreads to other psycho movements on the far left and far right, we might have to have police forces of Batmen, cowled to protect their families. This will lead to corruption, I would guess, but without it, there would be no police at all.
It probably won't get that bad, as these groups are cowardly, and avoid states with Castle Doctrines, but in states with lesser gun rights, it might develop. With violent activists like Critical Mass and animal liberation weirdos escalating their violence and attacking anyone they view as bad, its hard to stay positive. As I live in the South, however, I probably wont ever see it in my area.
But one policeman could make the difference, one soldier could change history. If people fight, and support those who fight, they might not win, but at least they tried. It is better to give your death for freedom than to waste it on old age. But these days, society acts as if soldiers are dupes and fools, not warriors. They mock the term warrior, as if its some ancient, backwards tradition, but then praise made up heroes who are warriors.
It may be that keeping a mask is necessary, in a world of crippling lawsuits and fickle mobs. One day, even our police might wear masks to prevent certain activists from targetting their families. Already, scientists have found their children threatened by animal-rights activists, and if this spreads to other psycho movements on the far left and far right, we might have to have police forces of Batmen, cowled to protect their families. This will lead to corruption, I would guess, but without it, there would be no police at all.
It probably won't get that bad, as these groups are cowardly, and avoid states with Castle Doctrines, but in states with lesser gun rights, it might develop. With violent activists like Critical Mass and animal liberation weirdos escalating their violence and attacking anyone they view as bad, its hard to stay positive. As I live in the South, however, I probably wont ever see it in my area.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Eureka Seven
Well, the main character is a goober, as I expected. Except he's only a goober about girls, and has trouble flying with anyone but himself at the controls. As to the surfing mecha, lets be honest, it looks cool, and isn't any silliar than magical angel wings on Gundams, or any of a multitude of mecha designed to look cool.
One thing I notice, anime makers seem to love the skater archetype, probably because being a rebel of any kind in Japan is a horrible sin, and entertainers love to shock. Also, they have historically been a fascist country ruled by a god emperor, which means that rebellion is new and cool to them. Remember, we were starting on punk culture in the 50s, they were learning to be free. But the authorities in this fantasy world are definitely based on the militarists of the 40s. So, silly outfits, but not too bad.
The girl that our hero/goober Renton likes is Eureka. I rather like her, which is different for anime love interests. She is some kinda alien or gentically manipulated whatsit, who got taken away from the government by an older lady scientist. She is always followed around by three little kids on the good guys airship, who call her Mama. She is quite amused by Rentons silliness, which, I admit, is kinda funny. However, he also seems to be able to pull out extra power from her mecha, resulting in a rather pretty explosion.
So, its pretty, its kinda silly, and it will probably get horribly weird. I'm going to keep getting it, see where it goes.
One thing I notice, anime makers seem to love the skater archetype, probably because being a rebel of any kind in Japan is a horrible sin, and entertainers love to shock. Also, they have historically been a fascist country ruled by a god emperor, which means that rebellion is new and cool to them. Remember, we were starting on punk culture in the 50s, they were learning to be free. But the authorities in this fantasy world are definitely based on the militarists of the 40s. So, silly outfits, but not too bad.
The girl that our hero/goober Renton likes is Eureka. I rather like her, which is different for anime love interests. She is some kinda alien or gentically manipulated whatsit, who got taken away from the government by an older lady scientist. She is always followed around by three little kids on the good guys airship, who call her Mama. She is quite amused by Rentons silliness, which, I admit, is kinda funny. However, he also seems to be able to pull out extra power from her mecha, resulting in a rather pretty explosion.
So, its pretty, its kinda silly, and it will probably get horribly weird. I'm going to keep getting it, see where it goes.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
PSN, what gives?
OK, the Playstation Network now has the exact same features of the other systems, but they have topnotch downloadable games that put most professional games to shame. For instance, I was playing a game demo called Pixeljunk Eden, where the focus is on jumping around and opening flowers. It is all HD sprites, which are so detailed you can barely tell that they are pixelated. Its pretty, has soothing odd music, and a simple interface. Now, the jumps are fairly hard to make, but it is a 2D platformer.
Another game, Everyday Shooter, does indeed have everyday controls, but everything else is oddly perfect. Enemies explode with guitar notes, chaining explosions makes wonderful melodies, and no matter how insanely difficult it gets, I feel relaxed when playing it.
I believe this has to do with the fact that Sony decided to be nice to little developers who want on the network. Sony has been less effective at keeping big companies exclusive, but small companies are so happy to be included in a bleeding edge console, they are quite happy to stay. Also, small games aren't expected to have realistic graphics and excellent physics. So the maker can focus on the experience, not the perfect graphics. Its true that these games could exist on any console, but Sony has seemed to master the quirky little game.
Hope they keep it up, big games just dont seem to be worth it as much. Pretty? Sure. Fun? Judging from the anger levels I feel, they stink. Unless a big game is made by someone I like and trust, I am going to avoid them.
Another game, Everyday Shooter, does indeed have everyday controls, but everything else is oddly perfect. Enemies explode with guitar notes, chaining explosions makes wonderful melodies, and no matter how insanely difficult it gets, I feel relaxed when playing it.
I believe this has to do with the fact that Sony decided to be nice to little developers who want on the network. Sony has been less effective at keeping big companies exclusive, but small companies are so happy to be included in a bleeding edge console, they are quite happy to stay. Also, small games aren't expected to have realistic graphics and excellent physics. So the maker can focus on the experience, not the perfect graphics. Its true that these games could exist on any console, but Sony has seemed to master the quirky little game.
Hope they keep it up, big games just dont seem to be worth it as much. Pretty? Sure. Fun? Judging from the anger levels I feel, they stink. Unless a big game is made by someone I like and trust, I am going to avoid them.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Xam'd: Lost Memories
OK, the studio that made Eureka Seven has an exclusive deal with Sony, playing this new show only on the PSN (well, I bet DVDs will be released later). I have seen the first episode. 4 Bucks for an HD rental is kinda steep, considering you can't keep it. But this is a very experimental idea. A series exclusive to the network of a game console. I bet part of the problem is the fact that to a Japanese company, a low dollar means that its harder to get money from their games in the US. But enough economic complaints.
It seems worth it to me. English subbed, 25 min (intro and ending sadly included). The animation quality is top notch, the characters seem interesting, and the world looks kinda fun. Freakiness has started occuring already. The male main characters parents are seperated, but not divorced, you can tell they don't like the idea of putting their kid through that crap, wish parents in the real world were that decent. Kinda typical, odd parents, with a good relationship with their kid. I'm not sure if this will help or hurt the main characters dealing with turning into a monster.
The secondary characters are kinda typical, though. His female friend is the normal tough martial artist, and his male friend is another martial artist with a nerdy air. Yeah, anime friends. The crew of the postal airship that is coming in as the episode begins and ends are featured in the intro, but no real info. Theirs a reference to Postal Law, no idea, but certain types of ships or arms of certain navies dont care.
So, an invasion of an island (read, fantasy Okinawa) is about to begin, the kid just got fused with some magic thingy, and the scout of the postal ship (in a air-motorcycle thingy) is going to the scene of the explosion that hit him. Hes freaking out, but thats OK for your first monster transformation, I hope he doesn't make a habit of it.
Is it worth $4 for a episode download (fairly long) that doesn't stick around? No. Will I keep watching? Yes. So, if your budgets tight, I'd wait for the eventual DVD release. If you have PSN, and plenty of money, and want to keep up, go for it.
It seems worth it to me. English subbed, 25 min (intro and ending sadly included). The animation quality is top notch, the characters seem interesting, and the world looks kinda fun. Freakiness has started occuring already. The male main characters parents are seperated, but not divorced, you can tell they don't like the idea of putting their kid through that crap, wish parents in the real world were that decent. Kinda typical, odd parents, with a good relationship with their kid. I'm not sure if this will help or hurt the main characters dealing with turning into a monster.
The secondary characters are kinda typical, though. His female friend is the normal tough martial artist, and his male friend is another martial artist with a nerdy air. Yeah, anime friends. The crew of the postal airship that is coming in as the episode begins and ends are featured in the intro, but no real info. Theirs a reference to Postal Law, no idea, but certain types of ships or arms of certain navies dont care.
So, an invasion of an island (read, fantasy Okinawa) is about to begin, the kid just got fused with some magic thingy, and the scout of the postal ship (in a air-motorcycle thingy) is going to the scene of the explosion that hit him. Hes freaking out, but thats OK for your first monster transformation, I hope he doesn't make a habit of it.
Is it worth $4 for a episode download (fairly long) that doesn't stick around? No. Will I keep watching? Yes. So, if your budgets tight, I'd wait for the eventual DVD release. If you have PSN, and plenty of money, and want to keep up, go for it.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Eh what? OOH! OOH! Explosions!
OK, I was curious about a kinda odd anime series, so I ordered it on Netflix. Some so called anime fans whined that the mechs were on surfboards. Um, its a cartoon. In Ghost in the shell, and many other good, very serious, and violent, anime and games, mechs have powered skates. Everbody knows many anime series have silly stuff like that in them. Now, the main character is probably annoying, thats common in most anime males (Except in the super violent, pure serious shows), and it might be horrible, but no one gave any good reasons not to try it. It tries to be deep, the girl cries alot, the boys a nebbish. What else is new.
The title refers to my first reaction to most anime I watch. Now, it might end up being crappy, but I give it a chance. I will give an update to what I thought of Eureka Seven after I get it. I bet I'll end up hating it, but so what, its not the end of the world.
The title refers to my first reaction to most anime I watch. Now, it might end up being crappy, but I give it a chance. I will give an update to what I thought of Eureka Seven after I get it. I bet I'll end up hating it, but so what, its not the end of the world.
Monday, July 21, 2008
I feel sorry for the Jester
The great thing about entertainers is that they can be ignored once the show is over. We can ignore everything else about them, the fact that they can be goobers, the drama. I wonder why so many people care about the least interesting part of them? The singing, the acting, that the whole point of them, so why put the boring part of them under the microscope?
For instance, I have no idea who Christian Bale is, besides an awesome Batman. Its so silly, like the entire court following the poor jester around on his day off, the way people obsess over actors and musicians. Its all such a waste.
The fact is, entertainers have always been a bit crazy, I mean, they play a different person every show, they often sing from the point of view of someone who is nothing like them. But now everybody else has gone off the deep end, caring about the silly things Jesters do on their day off. I blame the consumer.
For instance, I have no idea who Christian Bale is, besides an awesome Batman. Its so silly, like the entire court following the poor jester around on his day off, the way people obsess over actors and musicians. Its all such a waste.
The fact is, entertainers have always been a bit crazy, I mean, they play a different person every show, they often sing from the point of view of someone who is nothing like them. But now everybody else has gone off the deep end, caring about the silly things Jesters do on their day off. I blame the consumer.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Don't Panic
Sigh, the best thing everybody needs to hear. Hitchhickers guides for everyone! The sky isn't falling, and even if it was, why panic? Bush isn't going to declare himself god-emperor, and Obama will only be as bad a Jimmuh, no matter how creepy his silly goober supporters are. Oh, and McCain doesn't want a hundred years of war. Although many oppressed people might want that. The military does not want your loser baby for war, and if he makes the decision when hes old enough, you can't do squat.
On the non-political front, yes, global warming is, well, was, happening. We'll all gonna fry. Or the sun could go into a minimum, and we have a new ice age. But, the thing is, even that happens kinda slow. Its not like it happens overnight. Theres no rush, even if we get rid of all the carbon dioxide production magically, the stuff already there would keep forcing things, so any bad thing in the next 100 years will happen anyway. Then again, it might not be as big a force on the climate as we thought, and we ust waste money. Just adapt, its what we do, we'll survive.
On a related note, Zombies! Aiiehh!
On the non-political front, yes, global warming is, well, was, happening. We'll all gonna fry. Or the sun could go into a minimum, and we have a new ice age. But, the thing is, even that happens kinda slow. Its not like it happens overnight. Theres no rush, even if we get rid of all the carbon dioxide production magically, the stuff already there would keep forcing things, so any bad thing in the next 100 years will happen anyway. Then again, it might not be as big a force on the climate as we thought, and we ust waste money. Just adapt, its what we do, we'll survive.
On a related note, Zombies! Aiiehh!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Environmental Silliness
Well, as I expected, Wall*E is being pilloried and sometimes praised for its message of environmental collapse. OK, fine, its just a movie, but still, its getting tiresome. Earth is not in any danger of being buried in garbage, anyone who's been to a park that used to be a landfill knows this, or should. If anyone has been keeping up, metal scraps are worth cash money to manufacturers, as they don't require all that tedious mining. But if you want to have a story about a robot rummaging through trash, you have to put forth certain kinda dumb ideas. The problem is that kids dont need more dumb ideas in there heads. But, hey, Disney has been doing that for a while.
So, I dont think its neccesarily evil to have a gigantic plot hole. Its when you get into the grotesqely fat humans and silly evil megacorporations that you become annoying. Guess what, kids, humans are fat useless blobs! Toys are evil, buying is bad! None of this means I like overconsumption, its just grating to see a cartoon that has a huge toyline and took tons of power to make saying its bad. People living paycheck to paycheck because they want more and more crap is sad. But its even sadder to see Hollywood, the epicenter of waste, ridiculous consumerism, and rampant idiocy try to preach to everybody else about it. Log in the eyes, anybody?
So, I dont think its neccesarily evil to have a gigantic plot hole. Its when you get into the grotesqely fat humans and silly evil megacorporations that you become annoying. Guess what, kids, humans are fat useless blobs! Toys are evil, buying is bad! None of this means I like overconsumption, its just grating to see a cartoon that has a huge toyline and took tons of power to make saying its bad. People living paycheck to paycheck because they want more and more crap is sad. But its even sadder to see Hollywood, the epicenter of waste, ridiculous consumerism, and rampant idiocy try to preach to everybody else about it. Log in the eyes, anybody?
Monday, June 23, 2008
I woul guess many liberals would think evil conservatives don't care about what happens to a bunch of foreigners. In the case of Zimbabwe, and Robert Mugabe, they would be wrong. He was a supposed freedom fighter against colonialism. Never mind that the people of Zimbabwe didn't really elect him. He made a deal with the liberal administrations of Britian and America, who denonced the new government because whites were a part of it. He forced his way nto power, then made a political party that not being a part of meant you weren't fed. Even then, the people managed to elect a new guy, Morgan Tsvangirai. Of course, because of the violence, this guy has given up on his right to take over.
However, we conservatives have to spend all our energy on stopping the liberals and moderates from giving up on the Iraqis, who, while sometimes annoying, aren't deserving of being abandoned. They finally start to get their act together, and Obambi wont hear it. Lets face it, liberals love to say "Save [place that really needs saving]", "Free [place that really needs freedom]:, they are saying nothing. The biggest problem conservatives have, is that we dont talk the talk. We actually try to do something. Now, this can backfire on us, sometimes doing something concrete can mess up horribly.
Clinton was a bit better on this, as he tried, but if any real pain was involved, he would pull our troops out, like Somalia. Bombing from 10,000 feet in the Balkans managed to save some people, but we should have been more forceful. But, then, Clinton was not that much of a liberal. He was a moderate, or at least, was forced to be. Bush has the problem of actually wanting to see things through. This means he will be horribly obstinate, and not always choose the best strategy. Clinton is more popular, sadly, becase he gave up when things got hard. People really prefer that. Bush has made some boneheaded mistakes, and tries to fix them, instead of throwing up his hands.
Although, maybe the liberal are right. Maybe we should just spew platitudes, then do nothing. It is, after all, much easier. Maybe we sholdn't really care, after all, it usually is the locals mistake. But so what, are we going to curse millions to die because they were stupid?
However, we conservatives have to spend all our energy on stopping the liberals and moderates from giving up on the Iraqis, who, while sometimes annoying, aren't deserving of being abandoned. They finally start to get their act together, and Obambi wont hear it. Lets face it, liberals love to say "Save [place that really needs saving]", "Free [place that really needs freedom]:, they are saying nothing. The biggest problem conservatives have, is that we dont talk the talk. We actually try to do something. Now, this can backfire on us, sometimes doing something concrete can mess up horribly.
Clinton was a bit better on this, as he tried, but if any real pain was involved, he would pull our troops out, like Somalia. Bombing from 10,000 feet in the Balkans managed to save some people, but we should have been more forceful. But, then, Clinton was not that much of a liberal. He was a moderate, or at least, was forced to be. Bush has the problem of actually wanting to see things through. This means he will be horribly obstinate, and not always choose the best strategy. Clinton is more popular, sadly, becase he gave up when things got hard. People really prefer that. Bush has made some boneheaded mistakes, and tries to fix them, instead of throwing up his hands.
Although, maybe the liberal are right. Maybe we should just spew platitudes, then do nothing. It is, after all, much easier. Maybe we sholdn't really care, after all, it usually is the locals mistake. But so what, are we going to curse millions to die because they were stupid?
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Charism: I know others have said this.
OK, this is a bit more serious. Ever noticed how charismatic people can be counted on to screw up the world? Now, they aren't always charismatic people, but they are better at it, for the simple virtue of being able to effect others. Now, who fixes the problems they cause? Well, dull, wooden men and women who are boring, and sometimes kinda dumb. Or dull, boring, engineers, scientists, and soldiers.
But in today's America, it seems like you are expected to be exciting and interesting. Stay at home moms, young people who don't care to go clubbing, anyone who doesn't pay attention to the newest big thing are reviled. Now, often, these people know how to have fun, and are quite happy with the lives they have. But they are dismissed out of hand. Exciting people get in scandals, kill boring people in car crashes, and kill each other over cocaine. But gangsters, gangstas and scandalous Hollywood stars are sad, empty people. I feel sorry for them. They have nothing I want. I'll stay boring, thank you very much.
But in today's America, it seems like you are expected to be exciting and interesting. Stay at home moms, young people who don't care to go clubbing, anyone who doesn't pay attention to the newest big thing are reviled. Now, often, these people know how to have fun, and are quite happy with the lives they have. But they are dismissed out of hand. Exciting people get in scandals, kill boring people in car crashes, and kill each other over cocaine. But gangsters, gangstas and scandalous Hollywood stars are sad, empty people. I feel sorry for them. They have nothing I want. I'll stay boring, thank you very much.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
$45 trillion fun
So, um, a report comes out, that says we need 45 trillion to combat global warming. What kind of crap is that? I could make a friggin Iron Man suit, all of Batmans toys, an orbiting space station with a death ray, and most of Africa with that amount. That would probably do the world more good. I mean, I could take out every loser dictator with that.
Now, all joking aside, I know its supposidly over time, and yeah, building tons of nuclear power plants is a good use of money. Well, I guess thats what its calling for, there really is no other way to cut down emissions without crushing the economy. But why not let the market decide? I mean, companies are already trying to build nuclear reactors in Europe and America, as long as oil is this expensive, alternatives will be made. Government needs to butt out. If we just left that amount in the world economy, we would get cool toys and plenty of nuclear, wind, and solar power made for profit.
Now, all joking aside, I know its supposidly over time, and yeah, building tons of nuclear power plants is a good use of money. Well, I guess thats what its calling for, there really is no other way to cut down emissions without crushing the economy. But why not let the market decide? I mean, companies are already trying to build nuclear reactors in Europe and America, as long as oil is this expensive, alternatives will be made. Government needs to butt out. If we just left that amount in the world economy, we would get cool toys and plenty of nuclear, wind, and solar power made for profit.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Wow, another loser
Seriously, Alice Walker is a worthless human being. Radical feminism is basically woman acting like the worse kind of man. Men aren't needed, thats sorta silly, and bad for kids, but the whole children as a burden? Yeah, pure evil. Having your kid find a poem that calls them a burden, sheesh, I'm kinda glad she disowned her daughter and refses to meet her grandkid. Lucky kid, I say, that woman needs to be kept away from children.
In fact, her ideology is like the ideology of a male villian on Lifetime. You know, women are worthless, kids are a bother. Slacker guys must love these idiots. Hey, they never want you to stick around, they alway have abortions, useless guys love that.
Seriously, Alice Walker is a worthless human being. Radical feminism is basically woman acting like the worse kind of man. Men aren't needed, thats sorta silly, and bad for kids, but the whole children as a burden? Yeah, pure evil. Having your kid find a poem that calls them a burden, sheesh, I'm kinda glad she disowned her daughter and refses to meet her grandkid. Lucky kid, I say, that woman needs to be kept away from children.
In fact, her ideology is like the ideology of a male villian on Lifetime. You know, women are worthless, kids are a bother. Slacker guys must love these idiots. Hey, they never want you to stick around, they alway have abortions, useless guys love that.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Arrogant Loser
Restoring the Everglades, protecting the Headwaters redwoods, or saving the Illinois mud turtle won't matter if climate change plunges the planet into chaos. It's high time for greens to unite around the urgent need to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases.
Saw this crap in the online issue of Wired. Seriously, environmentalists, beat this loser up. Save the animals from extinction, protect endangered trees, restore the wetlands. Please, do these things, I respect you for it. They are not a waste of time, and if any idiot tells you that the Global Warming must be stopped first, smack them. The climate is so massive, its a waste to try and control it. Its like trying to control tectonic plates. Wetlands are way more important to filtering toxins from farms and factories, ya know, the toxins that kill people. It would be cheaper to reduce the dangerous toxins and help rebuild wetlands.
This desire for a big massive apocalypse of chaotic climate is laughable. These people want a big disaster to force people to change. So they made one up. We cleaned up the rivers, we reduced pollution, but its never enough. We save animals, we clean up messes, but we're still evil parasites. These people need to get a life.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Yeesh, I hate having a trach. Crippled Cruader is now unable to chatter, or rant verbally. Hmm... expect more blogging. I doubt anyone has ever found me anyway. Which is probably a good thing. My brother started a blog, so I'll add a link to it.
On the game front, I am too reliant on stuff at home to work on game design. I may try some stuff on my own, but its doubtful, I'm kinda lazy. Playing with sprites is just sad, considering what I see playing Drakes Fortune. But, ya gotta start somewhere. Playing Drakes Fortune, I realize how hard action games are. At least these days, you have infinite lives and checkpoints.
Politically? Don't even ask. McCain at least doesn't scarf pork like Obama and HIllary, he actually has a brain on the war, but he is umm.... focusing on Global Warming. He has limited money, and wasting money on something useless won't help. Speaking at Hispanic supremist group La Raza, I mean c'mon. He could have gotten conservatives to support him, but he seems to hate them. Unless Hillary spporters all vote for him, theres no way he wins. So the slick Chicago rat wins. Hope, no one notices his corruption and friendship with losers. Change, America into an even more socialist state.
On the game front, I am too reliant on stuff at home to work on game design. I may try some stuff on my own, but its doubtful, I'm kinda lazy. Playing with sprites is just sad, considering what I see playing Drakes Fortune. But, ya gotta start somewhere. Playing Drakes Fortune, I realize how hard action games are. At least these days, you have infinite lives and checkpoints.
Politically? Don't even ask. McCain at least doesn't scarf pork like Obama and HIllary, he actually has a brain on the war, but he is umm.... focusing on Global Warming. He has limited money, and wasting money on something useless won't help. Speaking at Hispanic supremist group La Raza, I mean c'mon. He could have gotten conservatives to support him, but he seems to hate them. Unless Hillary spporters all vote for him, theres no way he wins. So the slick Chicago rat wins. Hope, no one notices his corruption and friendship with losers. Change, America into an even more socialist state.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Weird writing
The city street.
The foggy city street.
The rainslicked pavement, slick and black.
The black glass sheathed building, streetlights glimmering off the solar shell.
The bright LED streetlights, on solid poles.
Modern, new, but something isn't right.
The two figures, one supporting the other, trying to move as fast as they can.
The clatter of footsteps, six others round the corner and spot them.
The blast of energy from the lead, a grim faced woman.
The two are knocked down.
The woman begins her spiel to the girl, one of the two.
The girl looks at the boys wounds, looks up, tears streaming.
The woman laughs, not noticing the IR laser spot between her eyes.
The woman points her hand at the boy.
The womans head explodes, yes, literally.
The other figures go down to the ground, also headless.
The Extraction team lands on the street, in armor plated suits, silent.
The medic goes to the two figures, heals the boy with a silver glow.
The leader helps the boy and girl into a truck.
The truck shoots into the sky, slightly flickering.
The point of light shoots west.
The world is saved, a little at a time.
The foggy city street.
The rainslicked pavement, slick and black.
The black glass sheathed building, streetlights glimmering off the solar shell.
The bright LED streetlights, on solid poles.
Modern, new, but something isn't right.
The two figures, one supporting the other, trying to move as fast as they can.
The clatter of footsteps, six others round the corner and spot them.
The blast of energy from the lead, a grim faced woman.
The two are knocked down.
The woman begins her spiel to the girl, one of the two.
The girl looks at the boys wounds, looks up, tears streaming.
The woman laughs, not noticing the IR laser spot between her eyes.
The woman points her hand at the boy.
The womans head explodes, yes, literally.
The other figures go down to the ground, also headless.
The Extraction team lands on the street, in armor plated suits, silent.
The medic goes to the two figures, heals the boy with a silver glow.
The leader helps the boy and girl into a truck.
The truck shoots into the sky, slightly flickering.
The point of light shoots west.
The world is saved, a little at a time.
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