Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Dean Kamen, or Punishing prosperity


I check military sites, and he has impressed people with his prosthetic arm. Its people like this that make me doubt that people are ever going to be fully equal. Why shouldn't he be rewarded for all he has done? Why the heck should he pay higher taxes? I get the complaints about sports stars and executives that make bad decisions, but make loads of money, but they are the minority of the rich. True, not all the rich are Dean Kamen, but lets be honest, most of them are smarter than our government. I believe that everybody who actually pay taxes needs to be taxed at the same rate. Get rid of deductions and child tax credits (all those do is cancel out the poor peoples taxes) and just don't tax the truly poor. Everyone else should pay at the same rate.

This does mean the government gets less money, but the government has shown it is willing to waste billions, and thus does not deserve the money we give it anyway. We would just stop punishing people for earning more money, and instead punish them for actual negative behavior. Lets see, big fines for white-collar crime, wrecking property(yeah, that includes pollution), and losing peoples personal information. Not as a way too get revenue, as a way to deter these behaviors . It wouldn't be included in budget information, it would used to clean up the messes caused by cutting corners.

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