Sunday, July 6, 2008

Environmental Silliness

Well, as I expected, Wall*E is being pilloried and sometimes praised for its message of environmental collapse. OK, fine, its just a movie, but still, its getting tiresome. Earth is not in any danger of being buried in garbage, anyone who's been to a park that used to be a landfill knows this, or should. If anyone has been keeping up, metal scraps are worth cash money to manufacturers, as they don't require all that tedious mining. But if you want to have a story about a robot rummaging through trash, you have to put forth certain kinda dumb ideas. The problem is that kids dont need more dumb ideas in there heads. But, hey, Disney has been doing that for a while.

So, I dont think its neccesarily evil to have a gigantic plot hole. Its when you get into the grotesqely fat humans and silly evil megacorporations that you become annoying. Guess what, kids, humans are fat useless blobs! Toys are evil, buying is bad! None of this means I like overconsumption, its just grating to see a cartoon that has a huge toyline and took tons of power to make saying its bad. People living paycheck to paycheck because they want more and more crap is sad. But its even sadder to see Hollywood, the epicenter of waste, ridiculous consumerism, and rampant idiocy try to preach to everybody else about it. Log in the eyes, anybody?

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