Sunday, September 7, 2008

Perfectionism, and why it must be exterminated.

I believe the worst ideology in modern history is perfectionism. Nazism, communism, and militant theocracies all are based in it. Capitalism, its enemy, is based on personal desire, but does not preclude helping others or feeding the poor. Capitalism is not perfect, and never claims to be. All the perfectionists want is a perfect world, and they don't care how many die in making that world.

Eugenics, a weapon of the Nazi wing of perfectionism, has made a comeback in recent years, with 90% of babies with Down Syndrome being killed, and more advanced screening allowing men and women to find and exterminate imperfect humans. What is the response to pointing this out? Abject horror that you would question "women's rights", not horror that we are choosing to act as Nazis.

Communism takes a less genetic path towards perfection, full economic equality. Not equality under the law, mind you, but something more sinister. Harrison Bergeron, a fascinating short story by Kurt Vonnegut, tells why this is a bad idea by switching economic equality with physical equality. Its best read, but the jist is this, a smart, strong young boy is shot because he is strong and smart, and thus not equal to others.

A big error in reasoning comes here. People assume that Nazis and Commies are different because they go about implementing perfection in a opposite manner. Nazis wanted the best to rule over the rest, Communists cared about the rest. However, look at the truth of how Russia was run. The party bosses had more than the workers. So, the Nazis were just more honest.

Militant theocracies are the oldest form of perfectionism, worship our god and nobody gets hurt. They often try to make people perfect on earth. They all fail. However, their ideas were passed on to secular people, who still like the idea of a perfect world. The Nazis and Communists fail as well, but leach their ideas into even American culture. Radical environmentalists change the definition of perfect to be living like animals, Radical islamists continue trying militant theocracy, and some idiot philosopher believe that imperfect children should die.

How to exterminate it? Well, shooting works, and when perfectionists start wars, they should be crushed with brutal force. But the wrongheaded philosopher and radical ecofreak need to be confronted with ideas and facts. Even if they are too far gone to be reached, you cannot let them go unchallenged.

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