Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Don't worry, the robots will pay!

Modern politicians have this idea that our grandchildren can pay for all of our wasteful spending. Now, from a certain point of view, this might make sense. After all, throughout human history, the next generation has had it better. But will this be true when social security goes bankrupt? When our energy policy is more about reducing carbon than supplying energy? When did we get the idea to screw over kids for our own comfort?

In certain science fiction, we start building AIs as smart as humans, basically, they are humanities children. When I see how we shovel responsibilities on future generations, it makes me realize how silly this is. No wonder Skynet blew up humanity. We chuck unwanted babies in garbage cans, pass the costs of our slovenly, greedy lives to our children, and whine about how hard life is.

However, not all of us do this. Many people don't want their children to pay for someone elses mistakes, and many parents will sacrifice to help children. Hopefully, this group will wrestle control back from society before the robots decide to chuck us in garbage mashers instead of working our debts off.


Alleged Wisdom said...

This is a good post. I like the writing style, especially the last line.

Although, why did you bring up abortion? That doesn't connect to the topic. Why would the robots care about it?

Dylan Bruns said...

Well, if we don't value ourselves, why would they think it wrong to shred us for compost?