Friday, March 6, 2009

Robin Hood

Robin Hood stole from the rich, right? Well... technically. He didn't steal from shopkeepers all that often. He was most known for stealing tax money from greedy taxmen who took too much. In the day of his legend, the rich were the government. In addition to taking back peoples money from the government, he also stole the money the church gained by selling papers to forgive sin.

This may shock the people who hear that he "took from the rich to give to the poor". But Robin Hood took from a upper-class much different than those we have today. Lets face facts, he took from an overbearing government and gave money to taxpayers. The rich are no longer all lords and ladies in castles. Many are people who create wealth through ideas and inventions, or invest wealth into factories or stores. They didn't steal to get where they are. Sure, some just got lucky, but why get angry that they got a break?

Robin Hood was rich, after all. In fact, he was an aristocrat. But he didn't steal using government power. Government is always the real threat. It tries to blame the rich for its corrution, but it has all the real power.

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