Thursday, June 19, 2008

Charism: I know others have said this.

OK, this is a bit more serious. Ever noticed how charismatic people can be counted on to screw up the world? Now, they aren't always charismatic people, but they are better at it, for the simple virtue of being able to effect others. Now, who fixes the problems they cause? Well, dull, wooden men and women who are boring, and sometimes kinda dumb. Or dull, boring, engineers, scientists, and soldiers.

But in today's America, it seems like you are expected to be exciting and interesting. Stay at home moms, young people who don't care to go clubbing, anyone who doesn't pay attention to the newest big thing are reviled. Now, often, these people know how to have fun, and are quite happy with the lives they have. But they are dismissed out of hand. Exciting people get in scandals, kill boring people in car crashes, and kill each other over cocaine. But gangsters, gangstas and scandalous Hollywood stars are sad, empty people. I feel sorry for them. They have nothing I want. I'll stay boring, thank you very much.

1 comment:

Alleged Wisdom said...

Charisma is power. Power corrupts. It really is that simple.