Friday, November 9, 2007


Well, Iraq is on an upswing, I am getting deeper into game design, and politics are annoying. Game design is what I'll focus on today. So me and another designer are told to give a good description of our characters.

Mine is easy. A massive robotic tank with a Thickly armored body on six thick, armor plated legs. Not tentacle-legs, but massive chunks of metal anchoring him to the earth. On his back is a massive tank turret, with a large bore gun. His head, separated from the body by a thick neck, is monolithic, with red glowing eyes. To further add to his menace, he has a deep black hull splashed with blood red jagged stripes. He is, strangely enough, a nice guy personality wise, but he was built to intimidate the enemy. Now, to see if the graphic guys can get this to work. My teacher has access to a game company, and I hope they get the picture. I'll post what they come up with.

The game is by no means advance, t is using a sprite based engine, with sde scrolling action for the smaller character, and top down enemy busting with the tank, Freedoms Dawn. Hilariously enough, this is a magical world, my tanks allies are Harold the cat king, mounted on a basset hound and wielding a spear, and A Fairy Warrior woman we decided to call Quig. Do not ask how we came up with this, we just did.

But I finally have a distraction from politics, hooray!

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