Sunday, April 29, 2007

This is annoying.

While I like the idea of a wired soldier, I question some of the add-ons, like text messaging. Why are we still using M-16s, and why do soldiers not have basic radios? In my mind, all they need is an earpiece, a good video-linked scope, and an HKG3 rifle with a grenade launcher. Only the commander needs maps and such. Plus, 16 pounds is a bit much. Better to use the weight to carry the heavier ammo a G3 uses. This whole exercise shows the problem with spending. Either give them the basics, or give them high-tech exosuits, don't try to half-way it. So instead of the best gun ( maybe there's one thats better than the G3, I don't know ) and radios, we try to give the troops halfway decent guns, and a computer that is crap by todays standards. Heres an Idea, lets let soldiers get the best off the shelf gear with a equipment bonus, and try to perfect the wired soldier after their basic needs are met. I hope one day we have wired combat suits that increase effectiveness, instead of loading extra weight on soldiers. Heres my basic rule, if the suit doesn't enable soldiers to carry the suits weight comfortably, its not worth it.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Girl Genius

As seen in my links, I am a fan of the online comic Girl Genius. The main reason I like it is the weird technology. The second biggest reason is that it really isn't about modern politics, unlike too many big names like Marvel and DC. Its just about a world that is different. Certain people (sparks) can invent technology that is more advanced that technically possible, like Frankenstein like constructs, to the robots that use only gears and analytical engines, called clanks. They can make things straight out of any mad science book or movie. This, of course, is a problem, because wisdom does not enter into the equation. In our world, leaders use Charisma to get what they want, which means they must please their followers. In this one, intelligence thrusts people into power, and there is no reason to please the lesser thinkers. The few that do care are considered heroes.

The story, is of course about a female spark named Agatha, who only recently discovered she was a spark. This leads into many strange adventures throughout Europe, that are better told by reading the story. But they usually involve death rays, monsters, or the occasional death.

Friday, April 27, 2007

On name calling, and a tiny rant that isn't original at all.

I have been dubbed the crippled crusader by my friends, out of my views on war and my current state of being a grumpy guy in a wheel chair. Some would be offended, but I love it, its just me. From my Iraq views to my hatred of political correctness. So, just so no ones gets bent out of shape over the name, its time to rant, and really upset about two people trolling through random blogs.

Yesterday, America decided that it was going to lose in Iraq. Hooray! No, seriously, I'm happy. Unlike Vietnam, we'll actually get to see the problem with losing to nutcases. In Vietnam, they killed about three million people, then decided that Capitalism wasn't so bad and started selling us catfish. Now, does anybody think Al-Qaeda is going to act the same way? Of course not, they'll just continue trying to kill us, except it will be in our country. And then the American people will understand the cost of defeat. Hopefully, something good will come of it. Or Bush vetoes the we lose crap, and maybe people will rethink it. Either way, I'll be OK. I live out in the country, far away from big targets. But that doesn't mean I won't grump about it.

Join me next time when I discuss Girl Genius! And confuse any conservative who agreed with this post!