Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Two good things

OK, for all my distain at his stupid domestic policy of spending more than Bush in a few months, Obama has made two good decisions.

One, he allowed Gates to slash the F-22 budget. The F-22 is an awesome, but out of date and expensive plane. We don't need them, end of statement. We have the JSF, which is more useful (it can be a stealth fighter or a bomb truck), and the kickass Predator C jet drone, which we can produce for a fraction of the cost of a F-22, with the added bonus of being a robot. Now, to be sure, Robert Gates is the man who made the decision, and he is a Bush holdover, but Obama chose to keep him, a solid decision.

Two, he talked to Colombias president Uribe about the free trade deal, and after realizing that it wasn't a bad idea, has said its a good idea. He had been parroting stupid talking points about it hurting Americans, but after discussing the issue, he actually learned something.

Now, please note, these are the only two decisions he made I agree with. He is still horrible.

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