Thursday, February 19, 2009

Homo superior

Its this idiotic view that being a bit stronger or smarter than others, you become morally better than them, and can make decisions for them. It was popular in early pulp sci-fi, where supermen were hounded by the inferior little people. But it never went out of style in the real world, and one can argue that both parties subscribe to it. To our betters in washington, their advanced degrees give them the right to spend the money of the little people. Unfortunately, superpowers or advanced degrees don't actually make you morally better.

I might not like this idea in comics, but I can ignore it to watch supermen fighting. However, when its my country, and my future, I cannot. It is an evil view of the world, and evil men believe in it. Its time for some humility.

Alternatively, the morons in DC could just ignore me, thats OK. However, they need to realize that they lack certain traits Superman has.

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