Thursday, December 18, 2008

Does this conversation freak anyone else out?


Nothing like a pair of liberals sounding like oddball race theorists. Why does it matter if two humans with different skin tone have kids? Where do people come off acting like this is weird? More disturbingly, do many people still have this negative view of marriage outside of their ethnic group?

They talk of some fear of minorities disappearing. Who cares? Races don't have feelings, people do. If Whites, Blacks, and Hispanics suddenly became one race, nothing bad would happen at all. This must be a generational thing. The sooner everyone who cares about race stops caring, the better. There is no reason too. Weirdos.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Bad Sci-Fi

It says something sad that Hollywood tried to bring back The Day the Earth Stood Still. All the reviews are in, and of course everyone hates it.

The original was boring preachy crap that first introduced the perfect Jesus type of alien. This is idiotic for something trying to be science fiction. Lets be honest, if aliens with warp drive saw humans, they would think of us as, at best, dolphins or chimps. These two critters are fairly intelligent to us, but their societies are messed up. They kill each others babies, just to begin. Do we try to reform their behavior? Of course not, they are just animals, right? Why would aliens care? Perhaps aliens would look at pollution as a fascinating element of these odd creatures. They might be happy to see us strip-mining and chopping down trees. After all, when we see Orangutangs using spears to skewer fish, or chimps figuring out puzzles, scientists seem to get excited.

Plus, aliens are probably too smart to care about Global Warming (yes, thats what the aliens are invading in the remake, yes, its that stupid).