Sunday, November 30, 2008

Full Metal Panic

The show is odd, to say the least. It combines mech action with high school romance, as is common in anime, but is not horribly sappy. A misfit young mercenary and a violent tomboy being the male and female leads respectively makes for a insane story. But the technology of the world and the alternate nature of the world shine through.

Its our world, except the military tech is much more advanced. Cloaking devices, giant mechs, and submersible aircraft carriers exist, as well as Lambda Drivers, which allow magic-like emotion driven feats of destruction, and accuracy. One is also used to make a oversized terrorist mech weigh light enough to hold together. This technology appears to come from the minds of certain young women, who innately know how this supertech works. The story hasn't revealed if this is artificial or natural yet, though.

Good enough for Netflix.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The world of Futurism: Shadow Guard

I have long worked on making a world based around the struggle for the future of humanity. The basic idea is that in a strange future where odd abilities have manifested. Futurism is the study of the future, its never accurate, so it seemed like a good name for a comic or story series. I can come up with an alternate future, one that will never happen. In this, terrorism and genocide are the tools of those who either wish to stop biological mutations and stay on a technological path, and those who wish to create a new order with these mutations.

There is another faction, however, one that has no time for the evils of foolish perfectionism. The Shadow Guard exists to keep the idea of personal freedom alive, no matter what the future of humanity holds. They are called the Shadow Guard because they never seek glory or power. Be that as it may, they understand the need for propaganda. Any atrocity committed by either of their enemies, and the punishment given by them, is broadcast over the net. They are honest about what they do, and do not hide the blood involved.

The fully militarized armored NBC suits and covered faces give them a menacing appearance, and makes it hard to tell if they have any nasty extra talents. Talents are what others might refer to as "superpowers" or "weirdness". Nothing like a SWAT guy with telekinesis to give you a very bad day. The array of weapons they have access too range from the simple combat knife to Personal Infantry Cannons.

The Shadow Guards money comes from several governments and corporations who need help with more exotic enemies. The Guard are sometimes villified by activists, but the service they provide is too valuable to pass up. A new problem is that their enemies have begun getting support from countries who are less interested in keeping the peace.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Aryas the priest

And now for something completely different:

The priest looked behind his guards at the small girl hiding behind them. He looked back at the irate peasant mob.

"How can a priest defend a witchborn!?" the leader grunted.

"You don't want to know the answer to that." he responded.

The guards started grinning like jackals. They weren't the most godly of men, so they would have loved to see a fight. The fact that a few of them looked with pity at the peasant mob should have warned the man not to act.

"Then priest or no priest, I'll kill ye!" he shouted, and lunged forward with a dagger.

The priest responded by cutting the dagger in two with a longsword that appeared to leap from beneath his robes to his right hand, and shoving the thug to the ground with his left.

"Do not try that again. It is not murder to kill to protect a child, and I will do it."

"But shes born of a witch and a devil!" a women howled

"Doubtful, it is far more likely one of your husbands strayed. You know the laws, orphans are to be cared for, not killed, no matter their parents."

"You are a fool of a priest, she will bring ruin us all."

"Believe what you wish, but you will not touch her."

The guardsmen swung their halberds out, facing the crowd with a row of sharp axe blades. Aryas raised his blade. The mob evaporated, and soon only the dozen guards, Aryas, and the girl were left.

"What is your name, child?" he asked.

"Mia." she squeeked

"Well Mia, I think you need to come with us, you shouldn't be alone."


Aryas picked her up, and walked back to the cart.

"Captain, move out."

"Aye, Templar."

The guardsmen piled into the back, and he took the reins with the girl beside him. He whipped the reins, and the oxcart moved out.

Aryas sighed. This was getting insane, the peasants were practically reverting back to druidism, even though they gave lip service to God. Witchborn, demons fathering children, where did they get this kind of crap?

As he was deep in though, the guards took advantage, and grumbled about filthy peasants in very colorful terms. Mia was already asleep, so he let them.