Thursday, October 30, 2008

Harsh Truth

Governments come and go. If you lose an election, get prepared for the next one. We have some weirdos on the left promising riots if Obama loses, and a few oddballs on the right who believe he will destroy democracy. Lets be honest, he has some bad ideas, and like all politicians, he craves power, but he has a maximum of eight years to do things. And if he tries to go over that, members of his own party will shut him down.

Oh, and to the weirdos on both sides, the sane outnumber you, so watch yourself.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

What society really needs

With all the politics lately, you might think I believe Republicans are great. Not so much. Its just that Democrats are worse. However, both parties are fairly stupid. Example: Drug policy. Neither is willing to admit that prohibition doesn't work. Sure, drugs are bad, but putting drug users and dealers in jail with robbers, rapists, and murderers is just as bad. The illegal drug trade has given criminals money for more modern weapons. In fact, gambling and prostitution have similar problems. Making them illegal means real criminals gain access to revenue streams that robbery and protection rackets can't. Its not that I believe these are godly or good activities, its that legalizing them would cut the money gangs get.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Why is any criticism of Obama being called racist? Is this a preview to his administration, and what does that mean for Americas future? Will those who criticise a Obama presidency be called racists? What penalties will they face? These are questions that have disturbing answers. Obama himself has said Republicans would use the fact that he's black against him. His supporters have piled on with idiotic articles saying calling him everything from skinny to socialist is racist.

McCain has questioned Obamas associations with white former terrorists, Arab slumlords, and both white and black corrupt businessmen. He is questioning the ideas of the people around Obama, not the skin color. Implying that McCain is racist for doing so shows that many people are idiots. So why? Because they can. The medias not going to complain.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Cindy vs. Barack

So Cindy is rich, right? She paid 1.4 million in taxes last year. Barack gives a one million barrel of pork to a hospital, that hires his wife at over 200,000 a year. So, Cindy has wasted her tax dollars. So much for sharing the wealth, huh? That really helped the poor, now didn't it? We'd have been better off she just dumped it out of an airplane. Thats why pork and government waste in general pisses me off.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Comic note

I bought a subscription to Marvel Digital Comics. I've had fun going through old spider-man, fantastic four, and other early comics, and some of the more recent ones. It seems like in the old ones, it was all fun and games, even with heavily armed old-school gangsters that are way more competent than modern criminals. It was definitely kid stuff, although it makes for a fun read. The stuff from the nineties is kinda junkier. Some of the fights are amusing, and sometimes the characters are good, but its halfway between serious and silly. The more serious 2000s are good, but not as much fun. Which devolves into crap the longer Bush is in office, culminating in the cringe inducing Civil War event. However, post Civil War is fun, weird dimension travelling, zombies, skrulls, etc.

Another thing I noticed were that the more powerful a character, the sillier his enemies. Moon Knight (rip-off of Batman) fights psychos and weird conspiracies, and deals with being crazy. The Avengers fight um, well, a guy that can spin really fast in bladed armor. Which is so not menacing to guys like Iron Man (Tony Stark beats him with the junk in his pockets) . So they fight minions like that, and sometimes nearly die to a weird gigantic enemy, or hordes of aliens.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Secret Saturdays, or "wait, this is on cartoon network?"

Yeah, so cartoon network has a new hour long show, The Secret Saturdays, about a family of scientists discovering and occasionally fighting, magical or odd monsters. Some of which make good pets for the boy, apparently.

To explain my bemusement that this is on cartoon network, you have to know how families are usually portrayed in modern American cartoons. Lame parents, dumb kids. However, this change to more positive families makes sense, if you look at what kids want. Kids want to spend time with mom and dad. Heck, some kids would be happy just to have a mom and dad. So the cartoon gives them a fantasy of a kid who has parents who are not losers, first of all.

Add this on to a adventurous story glittering with cool monsters, magical artifacts, power gloves, and armed mercenaries seems to be a good idea. But why this sudden change of heart? Well, ratings, and the popularity of silly show like UFO Hunters explain the action and critters, but not the characters. However, if you look at Blue Beetle, you also see a kid with decent parents and action packed adventure. Hopefully this is more that just coincidence, and cartoon and comic makers are realizing that decent parents exist.