Saturday, May 24, 2008

Wow, another loser


Seriously, Alice Walker is a worthless human being. Radical feminism is basically woman acting like the worse kind of man. Men aren't needed, thats sorta silly, and bad for kids, but the whole children as a burden? Yeah, pure evil. Having your kid find a poem that calls them a burden, sheesh, I'm kinda glad she disowned her daughter and refses to meet her grandkid. Lucky kid, I say, that woman needs to be kept away from children.

In fact, her ideology is like the ideology of a male villian on Lifetime. You know, women are worthless, kids are a bother. Slacker guys must love these idiots. Hey, they never want you to stick around, they alway have abortions, useless guys love that.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Arrogant Loser

Restoring the Everglades, protecting the Headwaters redwoods, or saving the Illinois mud turtle won't matter if climate change plunges the planet into chaos. It's high time for greens to unite around the urgent need to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases.

Saw this crap in the online issue of Wired. Seriously, environmentalists, beat this loser up. Save the animals from extinction, protect endangered trees, restore the wetlands. Please, do these things, I respect you for it. They are not a waste of time, and if any idiot tells you that the Global Warming must be stopped first, smack them. The climate is so massive, its a waste to try and control it. Its like trying to control tectonic plates. Wetlands are way more important to filtering toxins from farms and factories, ya know, the toxins that kill people. It would be cheaper to reduce the dangerous toxins and help rebuild wetlands.

This desire for a big massive apocalypse of chaotic climate is laughable. These people want a big disaster to force people to change. So they made one up. We cleaned up the rivers, we reduced pollution, but its never enough. We save animals, we clean up messes, but we're still evil parasites. These people need to get a life.

Thursday, May 15, 2008


Yeesh, I hate having a trach. Crippled Cruader is now unable to chatter, or rant verbally. Hmm... expect more blogging. I doubt anyone has ever found me anyway. Which is probably a good thing. My brother started a blog, so I'll add a link to it.
On the game front, I am too reliant on stuff at home to work on game design. I may try some stuff on my own, but its doubtful, I'm kinda lazy. Playing with sprites is just sad, considering what I see playing Drakes Fortune. But, ya gotta start somewhere. Playing Drakes Fortune, I realize how hard action games are. At least these days, you have infinite lives and checkpoints.
Politically? Don't even ask. McCain at least doesn't scarf pork like Obama and HIllary, he actually has a brain on the war, but he is umm.... focusing on Global Warming. He has limited money, and wasting money on something useless won't help. Speaking at Hispanic supremist group La Raza, I mean c'mon. He could have gotten conservatives to support him, but he seems to hate them. Unless Hillary spporters all vote for him, theres no way he wins. So the slick Chicago rat wins. Hope, no one notices his corruption and friendship with losers. Change, America into an even more socialist state.