Sunday, January 6, 2008

Weird writing

The city street.
The foggy city street.
The rainslicked pavement, slick and black.
The black glass sheathed building, streetlights glimmering off the solar shell.
The bright LED streetlights, on solid poles.
Modern, new, but something isn't right.
The two figures, one supporting the other, trying to move as fast as they can.
The clatter of footsteps, six others round the corner and spot them.
The blast of energy from the lead, a grim faced woman.
The two are knocked down.
The woman begins her spiel to the girl, one of the two.
The girl looks at the boys wounds, looks up, tears streaming.
The woman laughs, not noticing the IR laser spot between her eyes.
The woman points her hand at the boy.
The womans head explodes, yes, literally.
The other figures go down to the ground, also headless.
The Extraction team lands on the street, in armor plated suits, silent.
The medic goes to the two figures, heals the boy with a silver glow.
The leader helps the boy and girl into a truck.
The truck shoots into the sky, slightly flickering.
The point of light shoots west.
The world is saved, a little at a time.