Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The loser jihad

Great, now we know exactly what terrorists are, gansta's with AK's. The fighting in Lebanon is because some fuzz went into the Palestinian ghetto looking for bank robbers. They got shot at, and called in the army. And now the battles started. Car bombs in areas that don't support the Al-Qaeda wannabes, and tanks smashing up a "refugee camp" ( city, named a refugee camp to make people feel sorry for them ).
In Iraq, more sheiks are getting tired of the bullshit al-Qaeda spews, and the Shiite army guys are helping Sunni cops and tribal fighters kick rear with artillery and tanks. More violence, yeah, sure is, but this time, its because the Iraqis are getting tired of the loser Taliban crap. A-Qaeda hates that their fighting back, and uses chlorine bombs on them, while makes the people hate Al-Qaeda more.
In Iran, the thuggish cops cart away women who dont have their ridiculous robes just right. A couple of days, ago, a crowd yanked 3 women away from them and drove them away. I can't wait until they mess with some guys wife and end up dead. Their just pissed because the Iranians don't want to end up poor like North Korea, and are sick of their joke of a president. I hope some spec-ops guys are helping the people get ready to overthrow the thug government.
This point to what the current "jihad" really is, a bunch of losers. Still, losers can kill lots of people before their gotten rid of. Losers aren't stupid, though, they just embrace a stupid way of life. The saddest fact is, Americans are worst losers than they are. We can't even stand up to a low-intensity war. Pitiful, we can even beat the loser jihad.

Thursday, May 10, 2007


Wow Iraq is putting forth a bill to let us leave, with a timetable and everything, and the conservatives are pissed! Why you ask, are they so mad that Iraqis want to take over security? I have no idea. I thought that we wanted victory, and this is it. But many conservatives are too stupid to see it. Now, its not a perfect bill, and it might not even get through discussion. But what is so wrong with them getting us to leave. Maybe they are willing to accept that they cannot end all violence in their country. Maybe its just Sadr's guys trying to get us to leave so they can attempt a takeover ( Hmm... without tanks, aircraft, or commandos? I think the IA can handle them ). Or maybe we won, ever think of that? Instead, they just slam Iraqis for not being grateful or something like that. The response to this should not be "Screw Them", it should be " Lets see where this goes" if it goes to a final bill, and they ask us to leave, then leave. Thats it. If they make this their choice, then we should respect it, not curse it. I mean damn, guys, what are you, liberals?

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Whats wrong with America?

I mean, when did we become so obsessed with giving up when things get hard? I don't care if the news media pounds the drum of failure, Americans are still responsible for becoming so darn weak. Why are we saying the wars gone on too long? War is over when someone wins or loses, you don't give up because its taking more time than we hoped. But yet we do, even when the situation on the ground is actually improving. Less civilian deaths in April than March, tribes fighting Al-Qaeda, a Sunni political party whose only current goal is killing Al-Qaeda. But all we see is the car bombs Al-Qaeda is using to influence American politicians hungry for power. Even ABC says that the surge appears to be working so far, so its not the news medias fault. Politicians only respond to the people, so its not their fault.

No, sadly, America is weak, unwilling to fight a long war against evil. We just wanted revenge for 9/11, Bush thought we wanted to fight for a better future. Oops, his mistake. I just hope the next President realizes that American really are too weak to support a real war. Sure, they will go in all gung-ho, but then get mad when everything doesn't happen as planned, and you get polls in the low 30%.